General Blog Introduction
General Blog Introduction
Image from: Canva
Hi guys!!! If you’re reading this right now, welcome! My name is Emerson and i am so excited to announce that im going to be starting my very own blog! Too many exclamations are being used right now im sorry!!! In all seriousness, as a part of my AICE Media Studies AS course, i will be creating my very own blogging website that will document me tackling all obstacles this class will throw my way.
I think skills that will be quite important for me ro be successful in this class can be having an artistic eye, that way i can let my creativity flow and let this blog site be the single greatest thing you have ever read. It can also be helpful as a skill to be very detail oriented, this will help make sure that i can get all the technical concepts as well as any other aspects this blog will need. I hope there are multiple skills that i can gain as a result of creating this online site. One such is the fundamentals of creating an online media product for an audience to read. Another such is the technical skills to research and analyze bits of media and internet it correctly.
As for the main goals of this course, we can expect to develop a deep and critical understanding of media through analyzing and interpreting media products and services. We will also explore production processes as well as develop independence in research skills and their application. Im also excited to share that not all my posts will be some dull exposition about my life or my character. There will be a wide variety of blogs that i choose to create. This includes subjects such as introductory, research, planning, production, and reflection blogs.
All in all , there is a lot to learn and accomplish in the coming months and i am both excited and terrified to go through such a process, but you guys will be there to read along the whole journey!
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