A Bit About Me

    I am very excited about this blog post specifically as it depicts all things concerning me and my life. My name is Emerson Barahona, and i am currently 17 years old. As for acdemic interests, i would say by far the subject i am most confident and passionate about is science, specifically biology and medicine. I have, since a young age, been so fascinated with the components that make up life, as well as the innovations and technologies that are used in modern society in order to make human life better. I am so passionate about it, in fact, that it is something i definitely want to major in when i venture itno my college career. 

    For my college life,i hope to graduate with a bachelors degree where i can then be accepted into a good medical school and later a residency into a medical facility. My goal is to one day become a sports doctor or physical therapist for a professional sports team. 

    As for my future, it has always been something i’ve been unsure about. So much of my life my family and friends have seen me as this smart, cunning person who always has everything figured out. But the truth is i have always had doubts about it. What i am certain of is that one day i want to be able to buy a very nice house with a view of the beach outside. Living in the Florida lifestyle, ihave always found the beach to be such a comforting place. My dream, along with buying a comfortable home for my parents, is to one day wake up with a beautiful family in my home and a view of the beach being right in my backside. Not a worry of anything, full financial liberty, it’s something i aspire to have. 

    Hey, that guy above is me!! And from the picture you can see my playing my second love. Next to my family there is almost nothing i have done in my exsistence that has impacted me the way soccer has. I have been a huge fan of it since the moment i watched my first games with my dad in the TV’s and the stadiums. When i was four years old, i touched a soccer ball for the first time and have not looked back since. Well, i guess that’s all about me! Stay tuned for my next blog and have an awesome day!


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