Syllabus Reflection

        While revieiwing the syllabus, i have come to find out that there ascpets to the course that i am genuinely excited to learn about. There are various past expriences that i have gone through that will help me accomplish the tasks that i have reviewed. I have previously taken multiple AP art classes so i feel that my art savvy will come through and offer the creative conrtrol i need in order to succeed in this blog. I also have helped create a merchandise website for my friends business so i do believe i have the technical ability to  help achieve all the goals that need to be met. 

    There are several aspects of the course that i am looking forward to completing. One of the main things being to develop a critical understanding of international media through engagament with media products. I want to understand this more as i feel as if it can only benefit my future endeavors regarding digital application. Another aspect of the course that i am excited about is exploring the impact of media within a variety of cultures and how this influences and social values. Seeing how the impact of media can have such a ripple effect on human society in several components is something i look forward to learning more about.

Image from: Canva
    The image definitiely depicts an accurate depiction of how i feel about this class and this blog after knowing about the intro. There is so many things to learn and so many things to do and SO MANY blogs i have to get done by the end of the year. Definitiely feels like a big clump of a rock is in my brain, weighing me down from the stress i feel this course will have. On top of that, i have to make sure i try to get each and every one of my blogs to the highest quality possible in order to make it enjoyable and entertaining for you, the reader. Definitely a big task ahead which makes me somewhat nervous but also very excited. 
 All in all, i hope to gain a lot from this course. Whether it be through developed skills such as the impact of media on humans or developing a deep understanding of international media through engagement of media products, having concepts to learn about is something i look forward to. Im very happy to learn that this class will challenge me in all of the right ways. That’s all for me this post folks!!


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