Preliminary Task: Double-Page Spread

     Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening to whenever you’re reading this! In todays very short but very sweet blog, i will be showcasing the final part of my preliminary task: my double page spread! I am very happy to announce while finally over, i had a great time designing my first ever cover, table of contents, and double-page spread. It was great putting my own spin and personality on such a form of media and has made me excited for the school year to come. So without further ado, i present to you all my double page spread:

Image from: Canva

     Here it is in the flesh! I’m very proud of the final product and i hope you guys are too. Well that’s all from me this post folk, stay tuned for the next post where i will have an in-depth analysis of my thought process when creating this double-page spread. Bye y’all!
