Preliminary Task: Magazine Cover

     Hey guys im back!! For my preliminary task, i was assigned to give my iteration of my very own magazine cover. I personally wanted to do a sports themed style of magazine cover just for my preliminary. I’m interested in soccer so it would keep me engaged enough to want to make it look good as well as try to keep it personal to my taste. 

    Trying to pick out the minute details for my cover proved quite a difficult task. I spent a lot of time making sure the page looked cohesive enough to pass as if a professional company made it. I ended up proud of my work. So without further ado, i present to you (drumroll please)…… my cover!

Image from: Canva

    I’m very happy with the final design. I especially love the color blocking i used. I went with a simple black and white color scheme with a yellow accent to really make it stand out. 

Image from: Canva
   The picture above is a magazine template i found from Canva. It was the inspiration source i chose for my cover as it captured the essence of what i wanted in my cover. 

    Thats all for me this post folks. Stay tuned for my next blog where i can go all in and give a full debriefing of everything involving my magazine cover!
