Magazine Feature Questions


Image from: Cana

    Welcome back everyone to my blog. In todays post, im going to be revealing the questions i have for my subject for my magazine feature story. Since the theme of my magazine will be about Miami fashion specifically for women, i knew my friend Sofia would be a perfect match. She’s a very stylish person as well as a creative designer for some of her friend’s clothing brands. 

1.  How would you describe your personal style?

2. Who has been your biggest influence in deciding what fashionable choices to make?

3. What about Miami has affected your personal taste?

4. Where in your environment do you feel most curious in your style?

5. When have you questioned your style?

6. How representative are clothes to you as a person?

7. Why is Miami a great place to take inspiration from?

8. What are your consumer practices for fashion?

9. Do you feel a need to constantly evolve your style?

10. Why do you feel clothing in general is a great form of self expression?

          Those are all the questions i have in mind, thank you everyone for reading and stay tuned for my next blog post!
